5 factors to consider when it comes to remote, hybrid or office-based work arrangements
With the rise in remote and hybrid work opportunities, jobseekers now have more choice than ever before when it comes to how, where and when they choose to work.
Your work setup can have a critical impact on your performance, so it’s important to consider whether or not your optimal working arrangement aligns with your personal and professional goals and how you operate best as an individual.
Whether you’re considering a role that’s fully remote, hybrid or full-time in the office, there are advantages and disadvantages to each option.
So, if you’re considering your next move, here are the 5 factors to think about before committing to a remote, in-office, or hybrid arrangement.
Your personality traits and preferences
Your preferences and personality traits are also relevant factors to consider, so ask yourself how you like to work best.
Think about your experiences during lockdown if you went from one extreme of being in the office every day to working from home away from others.
Did you find that you had less energy, motivation or focus at home when working behind a computer screen alone compared to when you’re surrounded by colleagues? Did you miss the conversations with your team, or are these interactions not that important to you?
Or were you happy to simply get your head down and get on with things without the day-to-day distractions that come with being around others in an office?
The importance you place on company culture
Is it important to you be part of the culture and day-to-day life of the company?
For many it is, they like to involve themselves in daily life, but for others, getting involved in the things that happen around the business and the social aspects of a company are less important than the work itself.
If culture is a big driving factor in your decision making and you’re looking at joining in either a remote or hybrid capacity, do your research and try and find out as much as you can about what the company does to ensure the business feels connected with one another irrespective of whether they’re in the office or not.
The way you feel about how the company maintains its culture for those employees who spend less time in the office than others should give you an indication about whether a remote or hybrid role is best for you.
Your communication style
If you love in-person meetings, casual desk chats and being in amongst the buzz of an office environment, an office-first arrangement might be the best setup for you.
But if you prefer to have the ability to pause and think about your responses and remove yourself for the day-to-day distractions that exist in an office, a remote-first setup might work best for you because most of the communications take place on digital platforms where you can be thoughtful and deliberate.
If it’s a mix of the two that you thrive best in, hybrid may be the best option for you. It’s the perfect option if you enjoy being in a room with your team to discuss ideas and collaborate but prefer to be alone to execute your portion of the project.
The progression opportunities on offer
While your performance and ability should be the main reasons for progression, the proximity you have to leadership and your visibility within the business may have an impact on your career advancement.
If you’re looking at a hybrid or remote-only role, try and find out how the company measures employee success and how it evaluates (and recognises) performance.
As well as this, think about what kind of support does your manager provide? Will it benefit you to be close to managers to receive this support?
These types of considerations are particularly important for workers at the early stages of their careers who need to build relationships to progress.
What priorities are most important to you
While professional goals are important in the long term, the most important thing is fulfilling personal goals such as lifestyle and mental health. In the end, that’s likely to translate into better work performance.
Of course, priorities and goals are constantly changing, so what’s working for you right now may not work for you in 5 years’ time. For example, if you’re in your early career you may be priortising on building professional relationships, therefore working from the office may be best.
However, if you’re at a stage in your life where you require more flexibility around your home and personal life, having the ability to be at home more or work flexible hours could suit you best.
Your priorities will change throughout your life and what works best for you right now might not work best for you in the years to come. Find out how flexible the company’s policies are and whether there’s the option to change in the future depending on when/if things change.